Ainsley Roh is a production designer and IATSE Local USA 829 art department coordinator. She has designed award-winning indie short films, as well as commercial projects for Instagram/Meta. She has also worked on series and films for Showtime, Sony, Disney, and more. Ainsley graduated magna cum laude from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts with a BFA in Film and Television, and minors in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Studies and Food Studies. Though born and currently based in New York City, she also has roots in Vermont and the Bay Area in California.
Ainsley is incredibly passionate about media and art, and its effect on the public and individuals. She aims to do work that can touch someone's life, even if only briefly.
Ainsley has always loved art, but growing up, much of her identity was based in being a competitive athlete. Although her focus has shifted further into the arts, she still enjoys sports and other athletic activities. In her free time, she loves to be with her dogs.